
When we talk about protection, we mean having sophisticated fully configured frameworks for detecting potential fault conditions in the engine, and responding appropriately. Our package solutions will always include numerous inputs to give us visibility into the real time state of operation of engine systems, often from multiple perspectives.

Once a range of potential fault states are mapped out, we then design system responses appropriate to the fault and appropriate to the driving situation. While any decent calibration service will include limiters or cuts for things like RPM, oil pressure, etc., most often these are setup as absolute conditions. In reality our customers race vehicles often should actually keep running – for driver safety a well as performance reasons – as long as the fault is not absolutely critical. Our philosophy is to design proper fit-for-purpose responses to failures so that while we protect the drivetrain from damage, we also don’t “overrespond”. Some examples might be mapping known safe substitute (or active) values for sensor failures, or reducing torque & RPM limits without totally cutting engine. This often allows our customers to finish races in conditions that otherwise would have had the vehicle off the track.

In terms of performance optimization, use of our load-bearing Superflow dyno and – when available – ECU torque management , lets us be sure that your vehicle delivers a smooth and consistent experience by optimizing operation at any type of load condition. A vehicle accelerating at full throttle quickly through – for example – 4000 RPM, may be experiencing very different internal conditions than one operating at steady state full throttle 4000 RPM under extreme load, like in a hill climb. We utilize varying load, timed ramp runs, and even “road load’ to fully simulate (and teach the ECU system) how your vehicle will actually be used. Your engine management system will be calibrated not just for wide-open-throttle flat-track acceleration pulls, but at a range of steady-state conditions to ensure that no matter what situation you are in, your performance is optimized. Finally we also invest time in ensuring that no-load / partial-load performance of your vehicle is the best that it can be. While engines with extreme cam configurations or throttle or cooling systems setups may have basic hardware limitations, the vast majority of race cars that leave our shop start, idle, and be able to be driven on/off trailers and in pits and parking lots absolutely painlessly, regardless of ambient temps.